SIANTURISIMATANIARICOM – Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi, Sains, dan Teknologi, Prof. Satryo Brojonegoro, melantik lima pejabat pimpinan tinggi madya dan dua staf ahli di lingkungan Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi, Sains, dan Teknologi (Kemendiktisaintek), Senin (6/1/2025).
Pelantikan guna memperkuat struktur organisasi kementerian dalam mendukung visi dan misi pemerintah, terutama untuk mewujudkan program Asta Cita.
Salah satu pejabat yang dilantik yakni Prof. Ir. Togar M. Simatupang, Ph.D sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal Kemendiktisaintek. Mengutip laman ITB, Prof Togar dikenal sebagai salah satu profesor yang banyak mendapatkan penghargaan terhadap berbagai riset akademiknya. Mulai dari penerima penghargaan Emerald Literati Network Award tahun 2006, Endeavour Award dari Pemerintah Australia pada tahun 2008, masuk ke dalam jajaran Ilmuwan Top di Indonesia berdasarkan Google Scholar, Peneliti Berprestasi ITB pada tahun 2015, dan penghargaan-penghargaan bergengsi lainnya.
Guru Besar Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) ini miliki visi untuk menjadi manusia berkontribusi. Ia telah dikenal secara luas dengan berbagai prakarsa secara nasional antara lain keterlibatan dalam pengembangan ekonomi kreatif, pendidikan kewirausahaan, sistem rantai pasok ikan nasional, model kolaborasi rantai pasokan, sampai pada sistem pangan.
Dalam upacara pelantikan yang diadakan di Kemediktisaintek, Prof Satryo menegaskan bahwa jabatan baru ini bukan sekadar formalitas, melainkan sebuah amanah besar. Ia berharap agar para pejabat yang baru dilantik bisa menjalankan tugas dan amanah dengan sebaik-baiknya.
“Saya yakin dengan pengalaman, integritas, kompetensi, dan kapasitas yang dimiliki saudara-saudara, Anda semua akan menjalankan tugas dan amanah yang diberikan dengan penuh tanggung jawab dan profesionalisme,” kata Prof Satryo dikutip dari live streaming Youtube Pelantikan Pejabat Pimpinan Tinggi Madya di Lingkungan Kemendiktisaintek, Senin (6/1/2025).
Kita Merasa Bangga Sebagai Pomparan Raja Simataniari Sianturi
Prof. Ir. Togar Mangihut Simatupang, M.Tech., Ph.D yang baru dilantik sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal Kemendiktisaintek adalah putra terbaik dari Marga Simatupang, lebih khusus lagi Pomparan Raja Simataniari Sianturi, Ompu Namora Mandailing Nomor Sundut 16.
“A.n: Perkumpulan Paposma Se Dunia mengucapkan; Selamat & sukses kepada yth. Prof. Ir. Togar Mangihut Simatupang, M.Tech., Ph.D yang telah dilantik sebagai Sekjen Kemendiktisaintek. Tuhan Yesus Memberkati. Amen.”
Saat mewakili Perkumpulan menyampaikan ucapan selamat lewat pesan WhatsApp kepada beliau, tidak lama kemudian beliau merespon dan menjawab terimakasih atas ucapan selamatnya seraya memohon doa agar amanah dalam menjalankan tugas tanggungjawab yang baru diembannya.
“Mauliate Amang atas ucapan selamatnya dan berkatnya. Semoga amanah dapat dijalankan dengan baik dan berhasil.” Prof. Ir. Togar Mangihut Simatupang, M.Tech., Ph.D.
Untuk diketahui sebelum dilantik menjadi Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi, Sains dan Teknologi, beliau sudah menjadi Pelaksana tugas (Plt.) Sekjen di instansi tersebut sejak 22 Oktober 2024.
Latar Belakang Pendidikan Dari Prof. Ir. Togar Mangihut Simatupang, M.Tech., Ph.D
- S1 ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
1991 - S2 Massey University, Selandia baru – New Zealand
1997 - S3 Massey University, Palmerstone North – New Zealand
- Practical model of technology commercialisation at an Indonesian University: A case study from Institut Teknologi Bandung (2024)
- Tourism entrepreneurship research: a mixed embeddedness approach (2024)
- Uncovering the building blocks of rural entrepreneurship: A comprehensive framework for mapping the components of rural entrepreneurial ecosystems (2024)
- Financial Technology Innovations: A Review of Peer-to-Peer Lending Platforms (2024)
- A Dynamics Approach for Maturity Assessment of Hospital Supply Chain Management (2024)
- How managers’ green transformational leadership affects green resilient supply chain: The moderating impact of green ambidexterity and green innovation (2024)
- Choosing and Evaluating P2P Lending with Value Engineering as a Decision Support System: An Indonesian Case Study (2024)
- An experimental design of the blockchain business model using a soft system dynamics modeling approach (2024)
- The Conceptual Framework of Creative City (2024)
- Rewards Effects Through Entrepreneurial Orientation to the Performance of the Indi 4.0 Manufacturing Industry (2023)
- Exploring the potential of blockchain adoption for promoting value innovation: a case of the halal industry (2023)
- Collaboration in responsible agriculture supply chain management: a systematic literature review (2023)
- The important role of system dynamics investigation on business model, industry and performance management (2023)
- On the Necessity for Digital Transformation in Agriculture Supply Chains: A Review from Task, Organization, Behavior, and Application Perspectives (2023)
- Circular Waste Management by Start-Up Companies in Indonesia Using a Bottom-Up Circular Economy Business Model (2023)
- The coexistence of blockchains and business models (innovation): a systematic review (2023)
- Profitability and Policy Pressure Determination on Circular Business Model in Household Waste Management: A System Dynamic Approach (2023)
- A Conceptual Model of Digital Technology Implementation for Risk Management in Agriculture Supply Chain by Local Government in a Developing Country (2023)
- Logistics Landscape for Metaverse (2022)
- The spectrum of blockchain adoption for developing business model innovation (2022)
- The Role of Collaboration for a Circular Business Model in Indonesian Household Waste Management (2022)
- The lean framework for supporting the pharmaceutical supply chain transformation (2022)
- A facility location problem for palm-oil-based biodiesel plant: Case study in North Sumatera Province (2021)
- Transportation performance improvement through lean thinking implementation (2021)
- Modelling biodiesel supply chain: Current state and opportunities for future research (2021)
- Modelling incentive policy on truck sharing economy concept: Current state and literature review (2021)
- A dynamic business modelling approach to design and experiment new successful business incubator model for Indonesia (2021)
- Interaction model of agribusiness: The case of tomato farming in West Java (2020)
- Understanding circular economy implementation in the agri-food supply chain: the case of an Indonesian organic fertiliser producer (2020)
- A system dynamics approach to biodiesel fund management in Indonesia (2020)
- Pharmaceutical supply chain transformation through application of the lean principle: A literature review (2020)
- Optimal design for biodiesel supply chain: Case study (2020)
- Biodiesel produced from palm oil in Indonesia: Current status and opportunities (2020)
- Linear and circular supply chain: SCOR framework stages, actor analysis and the illustrative case of cassava farming (2020)
- Co-innovation processes in the music business (2019)
- Performance measurement system for the cold fish supply chain: The case of National Fish Logistics System in Indonesia (2019)
- Pricing negotiation in contract farming (2019)
- From co-discovery to co-capture: co-innovation in themusic business (2019)
- Corrigendum to “Co-innovation processes in the music business” [Heliyon 5 (4)(April 2019)e01540](S2405844018382070)(10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e01540) (2019)
- Patient engagement activities with health care professionals in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis therapy: An exploratory pilot study (2019)
- Information technology value engineering model and cost efficiency in IT – Based firms (2018)
- Multi-actor innovation in the music industry: a state of the art review (2018)
- New framework for value chain thinking (2018)
- Development of a zero water discharge (ZWD)—Recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) hybrid system for super intensive white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) culture under low salinity conditions and its industrial trial in commercial shrimp urban farming in Gresik, East Java, Indonesia (2018)
- Complementarities in supply chain collaboration (2018)
- Information technology value model and its optimal application in IT-based firms (2018)
- Intention towards halal logistics: A case study of Indonesian consumers (2018)
- Managing the actor’s network, business model and business model innovation to increase value of the multidimensional value networks (2018)
- Evaluation of emerging entrepreneurship policy (2018)
- Halal logistic business model development in Indonesia (2018)
- The relevancy of graduates’ competencies to the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education: A case study at SBM ITB-Indonesia (2017)
- Co-creating value through agents interaction within service network (2017)
- Business model types associated with network structure changes in the music industry (2017)
- The network business model of cloud computing for end-to-end supply chain visibility (2017)
- Coordinating technology introduction and entrepreneurial activities in rural areas (2017)
- The emergence of value chain thinking (2017)
- Multi-agent reinforcement learning for value co-creation of Collaborative Transportation Management (CTM) (2017)
- Needs evaluation of entrepreneurship policy at the agenda-setting stage (2017)
- A critical analysis of supply chain issues in construction heavy equipment (2016)
- Agri-food supply chain coordination: the state-of-the-art and recent developments (2015)
- Value Co-creation Map in Collaborative Transportation (2015)
- A Framework for Service-based Supply Chain (2015)
- Actors’ interaction in the ERP implementation literature (2015)
- An adaptive structuration theory approach to price transmission in the rice value chain (2015)
- A conceptual framework of entrepreneurship policy (2015)
- Improvement of customer response time using Lean Office (2015)
- Entrepreneurship policy implementation model in Indonesia (2015)
- Building a systematic framework for entrepreneurship education (2015)
- Value Co-creation in Agri-chains Network: An Agent-Based Simulation (2015)
- Uncertainties in the Bidirectional Biodiesel Supply Chain (2015)
- Business school’s performance management system standards design (2014)
- Dynamic marketing and service innovation for service excellence (2014)
- Design Driven Innovation Practices in Design-Preneur Led Creative Industry (2014)
- A systematic framework for entrepreneurship education within a university context (2014)
- Pharmaceutical product distribution with demand information sharing (2014)
- Towards competency standards for the undergraduate entrepreneurship program (2014)
- A process simulation of inventory planning and control for minute maid pulpy at coca-cola (2014)
- Modelling a technology push by using hybrid franchising (2014)
- New insights into consumer loyalty of website-services: The quadratic effect of flow (2013)
- An agent based model for the subsidized LPG with a closed distribution system (2013)
- Benchmarking criteria and adoption in designing business school’s performance management system (2013)
- Power and trust in supply chain collaboration (2013)
- An analysis of collaboration between Coca-Cola and Carrefour using drama theory (2011)
- Design for supply chain collaboration (2008)
- The architecture of supply chain collaboration (2006)
- An integrative framework for supply chain collaboration (2005)
- The collaboration index: A measure for supply chain collaboration (2005)
- Benchmarking supply chain collaboration: An empirical study (2004)
- Supply chain coordination in a fashion firm (2004)
- A coordination analysis of the creative design process (2004)
Sumber: https://itb.ac.id/staf/profil/togar-mangihut-simatupang
#Sekretariat_Perkumpulan_Paposma_Se_Dunia_2025. @SekretariatPerkumpulanPaposmaSeDunia2025.